How To Get Secured Ayurvedic Treatment For Mental Illness?

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How To Get Secured Ayurvedic Treatment For Mental Illness

The answer to this question is just one click away from you. Yes, Maa Yoga Ashram provides you the best mental treatment with the sources of Ayurveda.

Mental illness has been a common disease over a particular length of time. And with the impact of Covid-19, it grows at a higher rate, people suffering from mental stress to an extent to which they feel alone and trapped inside a cage.

Mental stress is not just limited to you. It will affect the people around you, trigger your behavior in such a way that you destroy your own home of happiness within days.

Not only in India But, all around the world people, daily suffer from mental trauma caused by an end number of reasons. This stress is also the reason for people’s sudden changes in behavior.
Mental illness makes them some

The Symptoms Of Mental Illness

Case-1 Become Furious on General topic of discussion.

Case-2 Try to avoid meetings and gatherings.

Case-3 Eat Less.

Case-4 Engaged on Mobiles and telephones.

Case-5 Feel difficulty in engaging with someone.

Case-6 Sudden Loss of Self Expression.
Generally, it’s an international level of issue. That needs to be solved down as soon as possible.

Impact of COVID – 19

This virus spread might be the biggest reason for people’s mental problems. There is no doubt that how covid-19 destroyed people’s life. No matter who you are and what are you doing? You will surely pin down by this situation. Because of this pandemic, most people lost their loved ones, and those who are lucky to be alive struggle to match their pace with life.

They are deeply disturbed and feel absolutely nothing of themselves. Trapped and Closed inside the house for more than 4-5 months is something they never wished for. They lost their job or do something which is worst than a nightmare and that surely felt them depressed.

What Is The Role Of Ayurvedic Doctors And Ayurvedic Treatment For Mental Illness?

The problem of today’s generation is that they don’t want to wait for anything. People want fast and prompt results. And in the process, they avail something which suppresses their mental problem for a short- period. The result of these hard-hitting medicines is good but not for a long time.

That’s where the science of Ayurveda works. The slow and steady process of ayurvedic medicines and herbs will impact your overall body. And it does not have any adverse effect on your kidney. So you get what you want with the loss of nothing.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Mental Illness – Maa Yoga Ashram

The ayurvedic treatment for mental illness under the observation of Maa Yoga Ashram is not only deal with your problems with some herbs and pills. But make sure that you will never suffer from this kind of illness as long as you live.

Unlike all the medical fields, Ayurveda does not restrict itself to some medical prescriptions only.
It believes in regular meditation practice, yoga, and therapies. That’s why the stretch of its effect is long-lasting with zero side-effect.

Types Of Mental Illness

1. Depression

Depression is the feeling of being numb. It is a mental situation where a person finds it hard to express anything to anybody. The loss of ability to render yourself is the sighs of depression.


  • Loss of interest
  • Loss of self-expression
  • Inability to being social
  • Misplaced anger
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Instability of Emotions

2. Eating Disorders

When your thoughts are unhealthy about the food you get around with, is called an eating disorder.

Symptoms-(Anorexia nervosa)

1. Fear of Weight gain.
2. Unrequired efforts to lose weight.
3. Deliberate vomiting after eating.

(Bulimia nervosa)

1. Lack of control over your eating.
2. Continuously eating after being full.


1. Having no or less interest in eating food.
2. Try to avoid food based on different kinds of things like- color, size, etc.

3. Panic Attacks

Feeling of stress, uneasy, worried, or scared comes down to this section. It is a situation where a person feels a sudden intense fear that triggers multiple physical reactions.


  • Pounding
  • Racing heart
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Trembling
  • Problems related to breathing
  • Stomach pain
  • Chest pain
  • Weakness

Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder

It is a mental disorder where a person is so much obsessed with certain behaviors and thoughts in regular order.

Symptoms- (Obsessiveness)

  • Fear of dirt.
  • Feeling difficulty in facing
  • Uncertainty.
  • Unpleasant sexual images.
  • Avoid shaking hands.
  • Images of driving your car in between the crowd.


  • Following a strict routine.
  • Counting in unusual patterns.
  • Checking doors regularly.
  • Demanding reassurance.
  • Hand washing until your skin becomes raw.

4. Personality Disorder

A mental disorder is a disorder in which a person implies unhealthy behavioral patterns to impose anything.


  • Impulsive behavior
  • Unstable self-image
  • Intense Relationship
  • Up and down mood
  • Threats of self-injury

Self Harm

Self-harm is a devastating way to deal with one’s uneasy emotions. In this, the person harms himself to deal with all the chaos in his/her mind.


  • Lunatic behavior.
  • Extremely stubborn.
  • Sudden mood swings.

5. Suicidal Feelings

This one is far more complex than all the other mental problems. In this, a person tries to take his/her own life out of compulsion, mental distress, or any other unspecific reason.


  • Depressed
  • Feeling Alone
  • Feeling Guilty
  • Fear of loss of self-respect
  • Anxiety

6. Bipolar Disorder

It is a mood disorder in which the mood of a person suddenly fluctuates from being deeply depressed to being highly manic.


  • Sadness
  • Elevated mood
  • Apathy
  • Loss of interest
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Unwanted thoughts
  • Excess desire for sex
  • Hyperactivity

Some of these mental diseases have become a regular part of people’s life. They take the end number of pills to cure it but, in the end, they feel disappointed and unchanged.

In The Attempt Of Ayurvedic Treatment For Mental Illness

Mental distress needs time to cure. It’s not a one-day trip even with the science of Ayurveda. Maa Yoga Ashram ensures you the treatment that purifies your mind as well as your soul. With the help of the art of ancient India, Our Ashram and the team of expert ayurvedic doctors provide you with a one-time Ayurvedic solution that will resolve any of your problems related to mental health. Ayurveda for mental health provides natural solutions to balance your mind and emotions, enhancing overall well-being and inner peace.

Yoga Near the shore of Mother Ganga, Daily routine meditation and therapies will help you to recover from your disturbed mental condition and clear your thoughts. Regular concerns from our doctors will help our team to create your report daily and notice how you perform throughout the whole day.

If the current procedure does not show any positive effect over a particular period then, our Ayurvedic doctors change your healing process accordingly. If the recovery looks good on the paper as well as practically, then you have our clean slip to go.

What Makes Our Doctors So Good?

Look, it’s not a big deal for any doctor to treat a patient. But what makes our doctors so good is how they treat every patient separately. They never go with the same approach to treat every patient suffering from the same mental illness. With kindness and total care, our doctor treats you like someone who is not a stranger to you.

Thus, Our team of ayurvedic doctors deals with your problem and cures it once and for all.

What Will Be The Cost of Our Ayurvedic Treatment For Mental Illness?

This concern is always in the thoughts of those who willingly want Ayurvedic treatment. So, don’t worry about this factor. We know this is an important factor but not more than your health. Our team will make you comfortable not only in this zone but in every zone. Our mission is not to deal with the value of money but treat our patients in the best possible way.


mental illness


From the team of Maa Yoga Ashram. We want to say that Don’t take this problem so lightly, because once it begins to grow, it will ruin your life and, there is no coming back for you so easily.

Give yourself a chance to grow again with our ayurvedic treatment. And we as a team of professional ayurvedic doctors promise you a great display of our treatment with you.

Maa Yoga Ashram is an ayurvedic treatment center in Rishikesh. The center also provides 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. It is 100 years old and helps people with a proper diet plan, therapies and exercises, our ayurvedic doctors will make your body good to go. Reducing excessive fat and making your body clean with the proper balance of energies within you is what our Ayurvedic practice is all about.

You can Contact Us via call on +91-8433005197

Or email us at anytime to know more and more about this.

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