5 Yoga Poses That Make You Love Your Body

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5 Yoga Poses That Make You Love Your Body

If you love your body and want to improve its physical appearance, Yoga can be a perfect practice. Not only does Yoga help tone and strengthen your muscles, but it also enhances your overall flexibility and posture. With regular exercise, you may notice a reduction in body fat, increased muscle definition, and a more toned physique.

But the benefits of Yoga go beyond just physical appearance. The practice can also help you cultivate a more profound sense of self-love and acceptance, positively impacting your mental and emotional well-being. By learning to appreciate and love your body, you may be more motivated to take care of it with healthy food choices, regular exercise, and self-care practices.

This blog will explore yoga poses that can help you connect with your body and learn to appreciate it for all it is. These poses are designed to help you feel grounded, centered, and strong while encouraging you to let go of negative self-talk and embrace your body with love and kindness.

To Keep In Mind While Practicing Yoga For Self-Love

1. Get Yourself A Yoga Mat

A yoga mat is essential for practicing Yoga regardless of your body size. However, we highly recommend investing in one for individuals as it can be challenging to maintain positions, and joints may experience discomfort. In addition, the extra cushioning provided by a yoga mat can make your practice more comfortable and enjoyable.

2. Drink Plenty Of Water Before And After Your Yoga Session

Some individuals practice Yoga as simply stretching without increasing their heart rate. However, depending on your style of Yoga, it can be a physically demanding activity that requires proper hydration. Therefore, to ensure adequate hydration, assessing the intensity level of the yoga class you plan to attend and drinking ample water before and after the session is crucial. Despite common misconceptions, yoga classes can offer a rigorous workout for the body and require appropriate hydration to maintain optimal physical performance.

3. Listen To Your Body

Initially, Yoga can be uncomfortable, but it should never cause pain. If specific stretches or poses are causing discomfort, you should skip them or modify them according to your abilities. With practice, you can gradually improve your flexibility and strength. Practicing Yoga helps to achieve discipline with no limitations based on age, sex, or physical condition, making it accessible to everyone.

4. Modify Positions

You can modify some positions in Yoga to make them easier for you to do. As your abilities as a yogi develop and progress, you may need to begin modifying poses. Slight alterations on specific asanas will increase the challenge and allow you to improve your flexibility and strength further. Asana modifications can help tailor Yoga to what your body needs at any given time.

5. Try Out Different Sets And Find The Ones That Work For Your Body

It’s important not to feel defeated if you cannot perform certain yoga poses or stretches. Instead, remember to focus on what you can rather than what you cannot. Remind yourself of your abilities and strengths rather than dwelling on your limitations, and select the ones that work for your body.

6. Get Some Good Yoga Clothing

You don’t have to spend much money on yoga clothing and need comfortable clothes to stretch your body and perform different yoga poses. However, we highly recommend investing in a high-quality sports bra for women with larger busts. Since many yoga positions require bending forward, a good sports bra can provide the necessary support and keep everything in place.

7. Challenge Yourself Regularly

While you should not feel bad about being unable to do certain positions, you should also not deny yourself a challenge. Keep trying harder positions which will help you get more flexible over time.

Yoga Poses For Self-Love

1. Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose

To practice Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose, lay flat on your stomach and place your hands on the ground beside your shoulders. Your forearms should be perpendicular to the ground, and your forehead should rest on the floor. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, lift your forehead, nose, and chin off the ground while arching your shoulders and back upwards. Keep your hips and legs in contact with the floor throughout the pose. This posture helps to strengthen the spine, improve posture, and increase flexibility in the back muscles.

2. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Or One-Legged King Pigeon Pose

Start One-Legged King Pigeon Pose with Downward Facing Dog position and bring your right knee forward between your hands to come into Pigeon Pose. First, rest your right hand on your right knee and bend your left knee. Next, flex your left foot, and slide your left hand under your foot, trying to grab onto your toes. Now comes the tricky part – flip your left elbow towards the ceiling so that your toes point straight up and your fingers point down. This posture is a variation of Pigeon Pose and is an excellent way to stretch the hip flexors, increase flexibility in the hamstrings, and improve balance.

From here, you can arch your head back and reach your right hand over your head to hold onto your left toes. If it’s easy, touch the top of your head to your foot. So, stay here for at least five breaths, and then release your hands and place your palms on either side of your right knee. Next, straighten out your left leg behind you and tuck your toes. Then press into your palms and step your right leg back, coming in Down Dog. Then bring your left knee forward and try this pose on the other side.

3. Vasisthasana Or Side Plank Pose

To practice Side Plank Pose, shift your weight onto your right arm and foot, and swing your left arm and foot over to rest on top of the right foot. The left arm should rest on your left hip. Ensure your right hand is slightly in front of the shoulder and your palm is pressed firmly against the floor with your arm straight.

As you inhale, slowly raise your left arm towards the ceiling until it is perpendicular to the floor with your fingertips pointing upwards. Turn your neck to look at your raised fingertips and hold for a few breaths. Lower your left arm back to rest on your hip as you exhale. Return to Dandasana and rest briefly before repeating the process on the other side. This pose is an excellent way to strengthen your arms, wrists, and shoulders while improving balance and coordination.

4. Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose Or Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana

To practice Urdhva Dhanurasana or Wheel Pose, lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-distance apart, near your buttocks. Inhale and extend your arms overhead. Then, bend your elbows and place your palms next to your head with your fingers pointing towards your feet.

As you exhale, push into your hands and lift your head and shoulders off the floor to bring the crown of your head to the ground. Next, slowly straighten your arms and lift your hips and thighs towards the ceiling. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then release and return to the floor. This posture helps strengthen the arms, wrists, and legs while increasing flexibility in the spine and improving overall posture.

5. One Legged Wheel Or Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana

Start by lying on the floor, knees bent, and heels close to the glutes. Next, bend your elbows and spread your hands on the floor beside your head, your forearms in line with the floor, and the fingertips pointing towards the shoulders. To prepare for One Legged Wheel, press your feet firmly into the mat. Then on an inhale, draw your navel towards your spine, engage your glutes, and lift your hips off the ground. This posture helps strengthen the legs and glutes while improving flexibility in the spine and hips.

Then, keep your thighs parallel to one another, firmly press into your hands, and on an exhale, press yourself up and off the mat (straightening your arms and turning your inner thighs slightly inward). Then, spread the shoulder blades across the back and relax the neck. Next, shift your weight to the left foot. On an exhale, bend your right knee, bring it into the toro, and on an inhale, reach through the ball of your right foot and begin to extend the leg towards the sky.

Continue to lift your chest and hips and find length through the spine. On an exhale, slowly place the right foot on the mat and repeat with the right leg. Now, slowly release entirely out of the pose by bringing the crown of the head to the carpet first and then the rest of the body.


Yoga Poses That Make You Love Your Body


In a world that often promotes unrealistic beauty standards, it’s easy to become disconnected from our bodies and feel insecure about our physical appearance. However, Yoga can be a powerful tool to help us shift our perspective and embrace our bodies for all they are. By practicing certain poses and focusing on the present moment, we can learn to love and appreciate our bodies just as they are. These best Yoga poses are suitable for cultivating self-love and body positivity.

We hope this blog has been helpful to you on your self-love journey toward improved flexibility through yoga. If you want to learn more about self-love yoga poses, consider joining our yoga teacher training course at Maa Yoga Ashram for a comprehensive and transformative experience.

You can Contact Us via call on +91-8433005197

Or email us at maayogaashram@gmail.com anytime to know more and more about this. We will be happy to assist you!

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